Embark Innovations provides technology platforms specifically designed for specialty chemical vendors to increase field efficiency and highlight program value.
Specialty chemical vendors operate in a challenging business. In a competitive industry, prices are constantly under pressure while customers also demand a high level of field service. A lack of data/process coordination between inventory, lab analysis and KPIs make it difficult and time consuming to communicate program value and effectiveness to customers. Time consuming processes and lack of data access drive up field service costs, lead to missed opportunities and impair vendors’ ability to operate strategically.
The good news is technology is now available that provides an opportunity for specialty chemical vendors to overcome these challenges. IoT devices in the field provide real time data from tank levels to pump rates, pressure, temperature and other process data. Embark provides the Prodesy mobile solution to integrate real time data sources with analysis/KPI data to provide actionable intelligence on a mobile platform. With Prodesy, vendors can work smarter and more efficiently – delivering more value to customers in less time and dramatically improving their financial performance.
Data Management
Prodesy provides a simple platform to capture data once at the point of origin, and avoid double entry and wasted effort. The mobile app helps capture data in the field – inventory, production, pressure, field notes, sample data – this is where the process starts. Lab analysis data is captured in the web platform, where comprehensive, integrated reports are generated without any additional effort. With Prodesy you capture data once – and the program gives you all the management tools and reports you need.
Optimization Platform
Prodesy leverages enterprise data and IoT devices to provide instantaneous optimization capabilities based on multiple process inputs. Treatment optimization is not simply hitting a Target PPM rate – it is adjusting programs based on multiple input factors such as production, pressure, temperature, event data (dewax, etc.) and more, while also incorporating lab analysis data for a complete picture of program performance. Prodesy provides the foundation to continuously optimize treatment programs.

Prodesy Reporting
Our purpose-built software propels businesses into a new age of chemical data analytics and KPI reporting. Prodesy is centered around integration of chemical usage, production and data analysis, customizable analytics, remote monitoring and automation, accurate sales and manufacturing forecasting and analytics and predictive modeling.

Mission Statement
We deliver solutions that reduce operating expenses for businesses across multiple industries.

Core Values
Our promise to our clients is that we will always deliver far more in cost reduction than we ever charge.
At Embark Innovations we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver quality solutions to businesses looking to take the next step to save time and money. We are so confident in the capabilities of our solutions that if your team doesn’t end up using it, we will refund your money, no questions asked.